Fire Extinguisher Maintenance is a Delicate Business

With Scheduling Manager software you can always provide the best service and keep your business profitable. Equipment Tracking and Maintenance You can record where your equipment is at any time with our Equipment Tracking Module. Suppose you leave some equipment on site, all you need to do is simply record it in the Equipment Module […]

Avoid These 3 Key Pitfalls of Running an HVAC Maintenance Business

At Thoughtful Systems, we have been creating business management software for HVAC maintenance businesses for 30 years,.With the help of our Scheduling Manager software, you can avoid these common pitfalls of running an HVAC maintenance business. Long Response Time Mapping and Route Optimization Using the mapping interface you can optimize a route, automatically reordering jobs to minimize […]

How to Run a Profitable Handyman Business

How to Run a Profitable Handyman Business Having skilled employees, effective management of all business processes and the right marketing tools are key components of running a successful handyman business. Finding the right business software that allows you to effectively manage scheduling, assists with pricing and estimating handyman projects correctly, and makes it easy to effectively market your […]

Smart Marketing is a Must for a Successful Carpet Cleaning Business

Thoughtful Systems’ Scheduling Manager software for carpet cleaning businesses provides you with the best solution for all your marketing and sales efforts. Our Scheduling Manager software fully integrates marketing and sales with scheduling, customer relations management, estimates, accounting, inventory tracking, and many other necessary tools for running a carpet cleaning business. All in formation about […]

Good software for Pest Control Business Requires Precision and Flexibility

Pest Control business owners know that their business requires customized software that cannot be served by off-the-shelf programs that do not take into account the specific demands of their industry. Scheduling Manager software has been developed especially for the demands of managing a pest control or exterminator business and provides all the necessary tools to run […]

The Right Software is the Key to Success for Maid Service Businesses

What should you look for in a software that will help run your maid service business more efficiently and profitably while maintaining the highest standards of customer care? Everything is Integrated Your scheduling, sales, employee management, and accounting all work seamlessly together. This frees you from tedious and time-consuming tasks of entering the same information […]

How to choose small business software

There are lots of small business software solutions out there to choose from – many fish in the technological sea, one might say. The question of how to choose small business software starts with identifying features for entering, viewing and maintaining customer information, as well as multifunctional job and appointment management features focused on how your […]

SM-Mobile Mobile App

We recently redesigned our SM-Mobile software page — the page on our website which details some of the features found in our SM-Mobile mobile app for service business owners and operators. SM-Mobile runs on either Android or Apple mobile devices, including Iphones, Ipads, Mini Ipads, etc.  It is compatible with over 6,500 different Android devices. […]

Service Business Software

I had a friend whose books were (and still are) read worldwide. His books were translated into dozens of languages.  Back in the early days of computers (1980s), I tried to persuade him to use a PC to write his new works.  I told him how editing would be much easier, the benefits of email, […]

Software and Omelets: How To Tell When They're Done

The first dish that I learned to make for myself was an omelet.  My mother showed me the process.  She was very detail-oriented, and insistent on doing things exactly right.  She explained how to beat the eggs, how much butter to put in the pan, how long to heat that, when to add the eggs, […]