We recently redesigned our SM-Mobile software page — the page on our website which details some of the features found in our SM-Mobile mobile app for service business owners and operators.
SM-Mobile runs on either Android or Apple mobile devices, including Iphones, Ipads, Mini Ipads, etc.  It is compatible with over 6,500 different Android devices.  Thoughtful Systems has also made it compatible with Amazon’s new Kindle devices.
Take a look at the new page at: SM-MOBILE
SM-Mobile began as a simple mobile app, which would all field service employees to view details about their current job appointments while they were traveling around, from work location to work location.  Over time, we have added functionality, as our users have requested more features.
The mobile user can now access all job appointment information for all their jobs for any given time period.  In addition to that, the employee can record his/her start and end times for each job.  As the employee checks in or checks out, the SM-Mobile system records the employee’s geographic location suing GPS capabilities in the mobile device.  This provides a very reliable timekeeping system for service businesses, who want a very reliable timekeeping system which verifies where the employee is at the moment he/she records their check-in and check-out times.
Another advantage of this automated timekeeping system is that the data is automatically transferred back to the main system at the head office.  This saves the service business’ management from having to re-enter such information manually.  This has been shown to save considerable amounts of time for personnel at the head office location, while it also helps prevent errors which occur during data transcription.
In addition to that, the GPS capabilities mean that the mobile device can be set to record where the employee is at regular intervals.  This means that supervisors and managers at the home office can see in real-time where each employee is. on a convenient map on their screen.  These maps are hosted with Scheduling Manager Gemini, the award-winning multi-functional desktop application for scheduling, accounting, payroll and more, which is in use by thousands of service businesses in dozens of service industries.  These include maid service businesses, carpet cleaning businesses, electrical repair, HVAC, fire extinguisher maintenance, and dozens of other industries where employees work out in the field, and need mobile access to the centralized database.
Another feature our users find very valuable is the photo-taking capability.  Take photos using the mobile app and they are attached to the job record.  When the data is synch’s back to the Scheduling Manager Service Business Software main system, the photos are also transferred, and remain accessible as part of the completion job information for as long as you want to keep your historical data.  These photos can be conveniently used to document before and after situations, Thy can also be used to take photos of faulty equipment before replacement occurs, and for many other purposes.  Take as many photos as you like for each job and they are all stored in the system.
Please let us know if you have any questions or comments about the new page. We are always listening to our users, finding out the best way to serve you. We think about you and your needs.  That’s whey we’re called Thoughtful Systems!
Our mobile app is currently in use by hundreds of service businesses around the world — in the U.S.A., the U.K. Australia, the U.A.E., South Africa, Canada, France and elsewhere. Get a free trial by going to the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store and searching for: “SM-Mobile”.  Or call us at 1-800-759-2532 (U.S.A.)
Visit our website at: https://2023-10-31.thoughtfulsystems.com

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