We have an exciting new module in the Scheduling Manager which should be very helpful to our UK customers. As with all our modules, this was created to save you time and effort.

This postal code module looks up an address based on a postal code. By using this module, you can avoid errors and increase data entry speed.
You just enter the postal code of a prospect, and their address will be automatically filled in for you on the screen.
For example, a lead calls, and you ask her for her postcode. She tells you “W11 2AY”. You would then enter that in the postcode field, and the address pops up:
mulpost copyGOOD
The Tabernacle
34-35 Powis Square

We initially programmed this feature for a customer in London who does electrical equipment repairs. They found it has saved them a lot of time. We now have other users in various parts of the United Kingdom, taking advantage of this wonderful feature.
Call us to order at 020-7617-7242 or Click Here to download a demo.