The Job Confirmation Calendar is an advanced calendar view specifically designed for confirming jobs with customers and then allocating them to a route.
This calendar is especially useful for the Scheduling Manager users who have many reoccurring jobs which must be confirmed with the client before they can be added to the calendar. This situation is common for many businesses where there are several months between jobs, such as carpet cleaning services, pool cleaning, septic tank maintenance or pest control.
The Job Confirmation Calendar includes several advanced features not found in any other calendar view, such as:
- View of any custom date range of jobs (e.g. 1 week, 2 weeks, an entire month, etc…)
- Display of an “Unconfirmed Jobs List” - a list of pending jobs waiting to be assigned to a specific day and team.
- Separate date filters for the Unconfirmed Jobs List and the main Calendar display. For example, you can choose to see jobs on the Unconfirmed Jobs List that have been pending since August, while viewing the current week on the calendar view at the same time.
- Quickly search/filter jobs in the Unconfirmed Jobs List – this is ideal if a client reaches out to YOU and you want to quickly locate their job.
- Easily drag jobs from the Unconfirmed Jobs List and drop them directly onto a desired day and route.
- You can also view the Unconfirmed Jobs List for a specific route and simply drag the jobs onto a different route on the calendar.
- The Jobs in the Unconfirmed Jobs List are highlighted in red if the customer has an outstanding balance.
Contact Us about the Job Confirmation Calendar