It seems easy to simply plug your office computer into a wall outlet or a power strip and leave it running. However, power cuts, voltage fluctuations, brownouts, and even a lightning storm can damage your computer and destroy precious data stored on it. Millions of dollars worth of hardware and files are lost every year because of power problems that could be easily avoided with proper UPS usage.
UPS, or Uninterrupted Power Supply, provides power for your devices in the event of power failure or other electrical problems. Even a brownout, when there is a drop in the power but not a complete failure, can damage your computer and cause files to become corrupted, and surges can be very destructive to unprotected computers.
There is nothing more frustrating than trying to recover data from a damaged drive, replace damaged hardware components, or finding out that your data is irrevocably lost. The UPS is your best defense against power fluctuations and failures. Make sure your computers and data are well-protected even if lightning happens to strike!